Thursday, March 5, 2020

Tutoring And Online Tutorials

Tutoring And Online TutorialsAs I mentioned in a previous article on tutoring, when I used to go to college, I lived in a large metropolitan area and was well served by free tutoring services. However, when I moved into my house and did not have such a service nearby, I found it necessary to find another means of quality instruction.My first stop was to investigate the difference between traditional, one time, and cheap tutors. I found that while traditional tutors offered long term assistance, they often got lazy and never returned to help when I requested it.Cheap tutors, on the other hand, often only offer tutoring for a short period, and they are usually unable to keep up with student demands. They also require very little of their students, and often did not recognize or comprehend some difficult concepts or methods, as they usually grew out of them, and forgot them in college. It is easier to learn how to read well and write more quickly if you have learned the subject, than if you were to learn them accidentally.Thus, I found it necessary to find some sort of support for my big subject matter, that I needed in order to excel at my course. I wanted to learn how to compete in such a competitive field, and I wanted to compete against students who had better pre-requisites, and would be able to compete on a personal level with me, versus being taught by a less qualified teacher.It was during this time that I learned about online tutorials, which allowed me to take advanced mathematics courses, and economics classes, without having to enroll in costly class times. In short, I did not have to pay for a single semester of classes, and the tuition fees, as they are usually not large, could be paid in installments.And what I liked best about these online tutorials, was that they gave me the ability to compare one set of courses with another and pick the one that best suited my needs. I could also see my progress, in terms of what was required to complete my cours e, and compare it to what others were taking, and give me an objective view of how much I actually needed to learn.This way, I could easily do all of my business at home, without the hassle of commuting to classes, and dealing with a crowded classroom. If I could learn everything in one day courses, I could do all of my jobs, such as mowing lawns, and lawn care, without spending time, and being cooped up in a classroom. Indeed, I could not find another better method to aid me in the battle to excel in college.

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